Running for the extra experience and the good cause!

The 5km pilot course on Vienna's Danube Canal is ready to start around the clock. Following this model, each route can be covered with a digital layer that turns the run into an experience with added value: a running guide tells the starters individual stories and is also a motivational trainer. At the end, there's an individually customizable certificate.

Augmented Running brings revenue! Interesting for hotels, tourist areas, but also NGOs, because with the entry fee of 9.90 euros a permanent source of income can be developed. In addition, starters protect one square meter of Austrian primeval forest with their participation.

The one-time setup costs start at €1,900, depending on the design. Approvals are not necessary. 

We need to think about the stories that surround your route together. One thing is clear: every route can be loaded with stories.

There is something to say about every route. A selection of what runners get to hear can be found here.